pastel society of southeast texAS501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Member of International Association of Pastel Societies The Pastel Society of Southeast Texas (PSST) promotes the beauty of soft pastel painting. Its goal is to educate artists and art lovers of Southeast Texas in the qualities of soft pastel as a fine art medium through its website, artist demonstrations, workshops. and member exhibitions.
The objectives of the Pastel Society of Southeast Texas are:
HISTORY AND MEMBERSHIPThe Pastel Society of Southeast Texas was established in Houston, Texas, in 2004, and reorganized in 2013 by Founder Caroline Ratliff. PSST has a vibrant and growing membership, from professional artists who have exhibited nationally and won major awards to artists new to the medium. We all share the love of pastel and its unsurpassed beauty in the world of fine art.
PSST membership has no boundaries; its members reside throughout the world, in addition to PSST home base within the greater Houston/Southeast Texas Area. Meetings may be in person or via the Zoom platform. Usually, meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month, with a casual social get-together at 10:0 a.m. and a short business meeting at 10:30, at Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Road, Houston, Texas. Meetings include an artist demonstration of soft pastel methods and techniques, marketing and computer skills, or a guest speaker. Membership is open to all artists and art patrons, with annual dues of $35.00, payable via Paypal. Carolina Dalmas is Membership Chair. For additional questions or information about PSST, please use the contact us form. |
2024 Psst officers and chairs
Board positions are filled by PSST members who generously donate their time
appreciation to past presidents
2013 Caroline Ratliff (Founder and President)
2014-2015 Carolyn Hancock
2016 Sharon Haney
2017-2018 Anne Maree Healey
2019-2020 Liz Czerewaty
2021-2022 Sherry Killingsworth
2023-2024 Betty James
2013 Caroline Ratliff (Founder and President)
2014-2015 Carolyn Hancock
2016 Sharon Haney
2017-2018 Anne Maree Healey
2019-2020 Liz Czerewaty
2021-2022 Sherry Killingsworth
2023-2024 Betty James
PSST is very proud to have extended beyond its original Southeast Texas boundaries into an international membership, making it important to Communicate ~ Stay in Touch with each other
Monthly meetings are held in-person or via Zoom, depending on location of demo artist, but we offer multiple ways for you to stay connected and to communicate.
Emails with current news are sent to all PSST members by Natalia Arnett
The PSST social network is active, and we invite you to join us on Facebook to post your new pastel art and news (Kathie Skelton, administrator). Follow us on Instagram and submit your pastel art to Natalia Arnett for posting.
Be featured on the PSST website: If you have received an award or honor from national or international exhibitions open to all artists; recent publication of your work (if you did not pay to have it included); honor of signature membership to national art groups, serving as a juror, work added to permanent collection; international, solo, or two-artist exhibition.. Email complete information to Carolina Dalmas .
The Resources page of this website contains our former blog and interviews with nationally recognized artists who entice everyone to keep growing as an artist.
Emails with current news are sent to all PSST members by Natalia Arnett
The PSST social network is active, and we invite you to join us on Facebook to post your new pastel art and news (Kathie Skelton, administrator). Follow us on Instagram and submit your pastel art to Natalia Arnett for posting.
Be featured on the PSST website: If you have received an award or honor from national or international exhibitions open to all artists; recent publication of your work (if you did not pay to have it included); honor of signature membership to national art groups, serving as a juror, work added to permanent collection; international, solo, or two-artist exhibition.. Email complete information to Carolina Dalmas .
The Resources page of this website contains our former blog and interviews with nationally recognized artists who entice everyone to keep growing as an artist.