artistic achievement in PSST and national organizations
The prestigious status of Signature membership has been created to recognize artistic achievement in PSST and national organizations.
Signature Status Members may follow their names with the letters PSST on their artwork, websites, brochures, magazine articles and other media. Signature Status may be earned automatically or through a point system. Members are responsible for notifying the President that they hold PSA or IAPS signature status or when they have achieved the required number of points. Verification must be provided. |
To recognize expertise in the pastel medium within the Pastel Society of Southeast Texas
Ways to Earn Associate Status Immediate, automatic with Associate Member status in the Pastel Society of America Earn with accumulated 3 points, one point each from the following Acceptance in Art of the Pastel Third Place or Honorable Mention in Art of the Pastel Any award in PSST Members Show Acceptance in any juried IAPS Show Any award in PSST online show You must keep track of your points. When you qualify, send a simple tally of your points to the President. |
A member of PSST in good standing, who betters the organization through participation. This individual will be awarded special status for giving of their time, knowledge and/or other talents to further the goals of the Pastel Society of Southeast Texas and its general membership.
Upon reaching a cumulative total of 4 points, a member will be awarded Sterling Member status in PSST. Points are retroactive from 2013 and include the current year of service. Points are awarded for "service" and "attendance" singularly or in combination. Service 1 point - Board Position or Committee Chair (for each year of service) .5 point - Assist Board Position or Committee Chair (for each year of assisting) Attendance 1 point - attended 20 plus meetings 4 points - attended 30 plus meetings You must keep track of your points. When you qualify, send a simple tally of your points to the President. |