PSST member Kris Tims teaches Perspective Made Easy. "This is the first drawing class in a series to help artists strengthen their basic drawing skills. Every artist, no matter the media or subject matter-still life, landscape, portrait, or abstract, deals with depth perception in their art work. This first class focuses on the complicated idea of perspective-both linear and implied-taught in relaxed easy to grasp concepts." Thursday, March 20, 11:00-2:30, at Art C's Gallery, Somerville, TX, Cost $30 Contact Cathy Schuster of Art C's to reserve a seat: [email protected], or Kristina Tims for questions: 281-414-4496, [email protected]
Huge thanks to Pastel Society of America for preparing the most outstanding and complete how-to instructions for preparing photos for competition entry. From PSA email today: "Four new tutorials have been written by board member Christine Ivers to help you ready your images for submission for juried competitions, PSA membership, and even for gallery consideration. They cover preparation in iPhoto 11, Photoshop CS6, Photoshop Elements 12, and Picasa 3.9." This tutorial will be extremely helpful for PSST members entering our Pastels Revisited exhibition. Click here for links to all four tutorials, under Image Specifications PSST is on Facebook -- twice! Sharon Haney has created two separate pages for PSST on Facebook The Fan Page is how we get the news out - blog posts and news will go there. The Group Page is YOUR place -- post your recent pastel paintings, honors, information and questions. It's all about soft pastels! Go to the Fan Page and give a Thumbs Up Like Go to the Group Page and join as a member Big thanks go to Sharon for creating and maintaining our Facebook presence. |
PSST Blog Author
Carolyn Hancock Archives
May 2021