DesignWorks Gallery in Galveston selected four PSST members for the exhibition "Drawn to the Sea," February 27 to April 4, 2016. The opening reception is Saturday, March 5, 6-9 pm.
DesignWorks states that, "As we, here on the Island, are being drawn back to the sea from winter's doldrums, this exhibition reminds us of why the sea so beguiles us. Artists included in this exhibition are Liz Czerewaty, Linda Dellandre, Sherry Killingsworth and Caroline Ratliff. These 4 artists were selected first, by the image displayed on the Artist Gallery on this website, and second, by the images and professional design of their personal websites and or social media. This points out the importance of showing your latest and most representative image on our website. And also for verifying that the link accurately points to your website. For members who would like to update or add your artwork, please email quality jpeg to Carolyn Hancock. DesignWorks on Facebook
Plein air in pastel was popularized by Frank Reagh in the early 20th century and importantly for PSST much work is being done by galleries to popularize collecting Mr Reagh's works. William Reaves / Sarah Foltz Gallery in Houston hosted a retrospective on Mr Reagh's work and if you are interested in learning more, take a look at what is planned in San Antonio at the Witte Museum. Might be an opportunity for interested PSST members to take a road trip. If you do happen to decide to attend this event, please comment on this blog. We would love to hear about it. For more information:
PSST Blog Author
Carolyn Hancock Archives
May 2021